Things You May Not Know About Me
A) Four jobs I have had in my life:
Rose Aircraft- Receptionist
Friendship House- (coffee shop) I loved this job....sometimes
Washington Regional
B) Movies you could watch over and over again
The Notebook
Raising Helen
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
and I highly recommend Crash
C) Four places you have lived:
Mena, Arkansas
Cranbrook, British Columbia
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Springdale, AR (I know thats a bit of a stretch)
D) Four TV shows you love to watch:
Grey's Anatomy
What about Brian
Oprah (Sorta a show)
E) Four places you have been on vacation:
The west coast ( I don't remember that)
F) Websites you visit daily:
Mom, Jenn, Misty, Mindi and Amy
G) Four of my favorite foods:
Red beans, rice with sausage
Chicken Herb Wrap from Marketplace
My dad's ultra delicious prime rib
H) Four Places I'd rather be right
In Mena
Visiting with my mom in Canada probably cracking ourselves up about something stupid
At my grandma Ninkie's house
On the beach, or the lake in a boat
I) Four friends I think will respond:
Misty (Come on)
That was kinda fun. Love ya mom thanks for putting on your blog for myself to conveniently cut and paste. Call me soon, or I'll call you
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Sunday, July 16, 2006
The Laney's did Branson
Well we just got back from our Branson trip. We had so much fun, but we are so glad to be back. Friday we shopped alllllll day long. It was so fun. Outlet malls are the best. Saturday we were at the lake. I tried tubing......once.......that was enough for me. It really hurt my stomach, but I had fun taking pictures of everyone else. Then on Sunday we went to Silver Dollar City, it was fun, but extremely hot. We had a lot of fun. John Mark just went to pick up Lilly....yeah she is doing so much better. I think she's going to make it. We've taken her off the shot steroids and started her on oral ones, and her red blood cell count is staying consistent. We are so happy about that. Well this is just a quick post. I have so much to do including studying for a test that I have tomorrow morning. Yippee
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Our Precious Lilly

Lilly is our wonderful Airedale terrier, and we found out that she has an autoimmune disease that is destroying her red blood cells. Two days ago we thought she may die. Although we are having a hard time stabilizing her RBC's today she is doing much better. She is acting like she feels better. We bring her home at night and she stays at the vet all day. It's really sweet because she and Midas are good friends and normally they would wrestle and play. Since they are both living in the house we thought we may have a hard time keeping Midas "low key" well not so muchh. Midas is so sweet he just lays beside her like he knows she is sick. It's kinda sad but very sweet. Please pray that Lilly will get better and that we will know how to handle this disease so that she can live a long healthy life.
Happy Anniversary

My grandparents had their 25th wedding anniversary. They have been such a blessing to my life. My grandma is the women I inspire to be. She is such a beautiful women who loves the Lord, and her family. I pray blessings over their life and like grandma said in her toast " the last 25 years have gone so fast I think we will do another 25." I pray that they have a great 25 more years. I love you
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