Yes you read right. Today I was at work and some girls and I decided to see if we could see anything and sure enough we could. We are going to check again in 20 weeks just to be abbsolutely positive, but we are pretty sure. She called for someone else to look and they both agreed that he was definately a boy. He was a little modest so we didn't get to see a full view. It was so sweet to see him moving around and sucking his thumb its just amazing that I still can't feel him. We are sooooo excited. These are some pictures. Unfortunately because I don't have a scanner they are pictures of pictures, but I wanted to be able to post something especially so my mom could see a pic, even if it is a little unclear (sorry it took so long mom). I know the picture of him sucking his thumb is a little unclear, but it was so sweet to watch him. He was sucking his thumb with his little pinkie finger in the air. How sweet. Isn't his profile precious???Roman Carter will be here before we know it. It will be so much fun. Keep us in your prayers.