My poor mom has been requesting new pics..new pics. Sorry for my absence. The little guy has little tolerance for blogging time during the day. It takes so long to upload pics on this computer, so I have to wait until he's asleep to blog, and as you know there are millions of other things that I need to do during nap time, so thats my excuse for no pics in the last couple of days.
We are doing very good. Most of you know but I have about 3 more weeks of work and then I will be a stay at home mom. I'm so excited. I have big plans....hopefully I follow through. It is such a blessing to be able to stay home. God has really blessed us and opened up doors to allow me to this. I'm so happy and very ready.
JM and I were just talking about how big Ro is getting. He's becoming very independent. It's excited and kinda sad, he's growing so fast. I get use to him doing something new and he's on to something else. He eats everything now. It took awhile for him to like baby food, but now we can't get it in his mouth fast enough. What a sweetie.
Well here are some pics to enjoy. You all have a good week