I was looking forward to this day all week. Family was coming up we were going to go to the large children consignment sale, eat lunch and shop. What fun!!! Unfortunately due to the threat of snow they decided not to come. Determined not to stay home---again for the 4th day in a row, I bundled Roman up and made it to the Rhea Lana sale. That's about it, Roman cried the whole time. I did get some great summer stuff, but I did it in about 15 minutes then we headed back home. Poor guy. I thought he was feeling better, but he's been asleep since we got home. When did going out, even if it is just one place, become such a treat? I wonder how having more children will impact my life. I want several more, and can't wait.Roman has been such a huge blessing. The best thing ever.
I just wonder because I feel like I run around like a crazy person most of the time. John Mark doesn't even recognize me when he gets home. I'm crabby and tired. I have stayed in a t-shirt and sweats all day. Don't get me wrong I love staying at home. I just hope that soon we will get a routine down. One where we go out and enjoy the day. One where I find fun things to do without spending lots or any money. One where when John Mark says , Hey lets go get pizza I don't run to put on my best outfit ( because its the first time I've really dressed all week).
I will say that being a stay at home mom is truly a gift. I know how blessed I am stay home. I just need to get into a routine. All of us who do stay home should get together. Even if it is just to walk the mall. It would be fun.