Well its been awhile since I've been on here. I stay pretty busy with Roman and Meya : ) Still trying to figure out how to do two babies, but I will say its getting easier.
So Roman turned 1 on the 11th . We had a big party on the 5th. It was great despite being like a million degree's outside. I couldn't even have the cake out until right before it was time to sing happy birthday because it would have melted! Roman was a lot of fun, and never acted like the heat bothered him. Unlike me I felt like I was going to die much like everyone else there. We had a lot of fun though.
It's so hard to believe that he is one. we are so blessed to have such a sweet little boy. It's hard to imagine that a little over a year ago he wasn't even here. We can't remember what our life was like before he was here.
Roman you are my sweet angel . I love you more than i will ever be able to describe in words. I've anticipated you my entire life--you've made dad and I so happy. i love your sweet spirit. How quick you smile and how when you are with a lot of people you do goofy things to make us all laugh.You have such a great personality, and an easy going nature. You always surprise me with how well you handle new things. I love the way you go with the flow. the noise you make when your pushing around your trucks makes me smile. I think its the sweetest when you throw books in our lap for us to read to you. There are so many sweet things that I love about you. I pray that you will grow to be a strong man with a kind heart. A man who knows how to truly enjoy all the gifts God gives you in your life. That you would love the Lords with all your heart. I pray that you would have a personal realtionship with God that is passionate and true. I speak blessing over you son. You ares loved more than you will EVER know. Happy first birthday!!!!!