We miss you guys so much and can't wait until you get home, but we're glad you guys are having fun. Enjoy your time and the seeing all the cool places . Take lots of pictures and e-mail some occasionally so we know your alive : ) Just kidding...but seriously no one appreciates picture like me so if you see anything cool send me a pic. Love ya
Friday, August 29, 2008
Web Cam madness
Friday, August 22, 2008
Bringing it through the Decade
You totally have to go to this website http://www.yearbookyourself.com/. Thanks Mindi!!! I've had a blast for the last hour. Here are some pics of John Mark and I bringing it throughout the years!!!
Here we are in the 50's
1960's --Babe your hot in those stylin glasses

2 pics from the 70's and I totally would have dated you in this above pic. Love the hair.
80's baby....gotta love the hair

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Time to Update

As I'm sitting here I her my son beating his bottle on his bed chanting. This is how he lets us know that he needs us to get up immediately and come get him. Unfortunately for him I NEED him to take a nap. You know what I mean I need a little time to catch up on blogs and read the ones I am so addicted too. Last night John Mark and I were talking and we established the fact that I am addicted to blogging. Now you are all thinking, " to be so addicted to blogging, she sure never update. " Well I'm not as addicted to updating as I am reading other people's blog. I love reading about other people, seeing pictures of their family, and hearing all their creative ideas on decorating, cooking and everything else they come up with. It's sorta sad to me when I realize I've kept up with people's blogs some of them for years and have never met the authors personally. It's also funny when I see someone at the mall and realize thats so in so and I know everything about them, and I'm too nervous to introduce myself--I think that would be weird. Oh well. Enough about that.
So I've decided it's time to kick these 30 pounds that have found a way to creep up onto my butt, thighs, arms, and belly. So I've been to the gym everyday this week. All I have to say is i better be one skinny hot mama by fall. Anyone who knows me well knows that I do not enjoy working out or sweating for that matter. I HATE being sweaty and hot. My entire life people have made fun of me over this and frankly I don't care because I know most of you hate it too. So to be at the gym an hour and a half everyday most be blessed...it simply must. So to make it a little less painful for Roman and I my friend Mary and I go together. She has three sweet kiddo's one of which is 2 months younger than Roman. It's nice because they all go to the child care area together and do really well. Roman loves having Emmalee with him. ANyways, the first day we were there I talked Mary into going to this Zumba class. What the hell was I thinking? It was terrible. I usually wouldn't curse in my blogs, but it's totally worth it. I have no rhythm and no coordination and I decide that I should go to a salsa/hip-hip/and everything else dance-aerobic class. Besides looking like a serious dork. I nearly kill myself and the poor dear next to me. I'm thinking Mary probably totally agree's with me, but oh no she thinks we should go again. So we tried it again yesterday. I just crack up the entire time and then when I dare look in the mirror to watch myself I just want to die of embarrasement so I lasted 30 minutes and then back and did what I'm good at and that is weights.
Roman is really growing up and it makes me so sad. I'm really enjoying his age and his independence, but I just miss the cuddly little guy. He really is a lot of fun and very independent. He loves to read and will look at books for a serious long time especially for a little guy. For his birthday we got him a chair his size. Today he brought me "chicken run" so I put in the DVD player. He hopped up in his chair, watched his movie while he ate cheese crackers out of a bowl. I almost cried. He looked so big.
Ok I need to post my pictures from Canada and I need to get off here
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Arbonne Party
So some girlfriends and I have a girl's night every once in awhile. Last night we had an Arbonne Hollywood Makeover Party. It started at 630. John Mark asked me if i thought I would be home by 10. " Oh gosh, I'm sure I'll be back by 9..for sure." Well he knew better than that. I came in about 1130. We had so much fun!!!! Surprisingly I really liked Arbonne especially the face care products. My face felt fantastic. I've actually been looking for a way to make some extra money and I think I may sell it. So you all may be getting an e-mail about having a party. But that's a whole other subject. Here are some before and after pics. These aren't the best, but they definitely show a little of the fun we had.

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