Avery and I went to Branson with my cousin Britt and Jac and baby Ike this weekend. It was great. I always have so much fun just visiting with them, but I also got a ton of shopping done which feels good. While i was gone Roman stayed with JM and they had a fun time they ate lots of pizza and played outside all day. They walked down to feed the ducks twice..ha ha. When I got home I had a camera full of pictures to look at thats where these cute ones of Roman came from. There was a huge bug on the side of our house and JM said Roman would work up the courage to touch it and then jump back, dance and let out a real nervous giggle and do it again. I wish i could have seen it. What a cutie. Oh and the pic of him covered in chocolate is what happens when you give a two year old a chocolate popsicle and sit down to nurse a baby--he painted himself in it. Oh well he was content and quiet ha ha. Is anybody else having a problem with the pictures uploading on here. When I upload them its just a bunch of letters on my screen so I can't write underneath them or put them in the order I want them...frustrating. If you know how to fix it let me know. Oh, and little Miss is a smiley kiddo these days. Precious absolutely precious...both of them. I'm one proud mama.
sorry for the random christmas tree photo in this post. Its the stupid uploader thing I was talking about : )