Well I did it and I'm super excited about it. I am Stephanie Laney, Pampered Chef Consultant.
I love that I have the opportunity to stay home with Roman and Avery, but I think I'm like alot of SAHM in that I miss adult interaction. I also wanted a little mad money to spend on whatever so I went out looking for something to do. I started with the medical field (since I'm a nurse), but everything that you do requires a lot of time and set schedule so I marked that off my list. Then I decided to look at all the "home business ideas" like Mary Kay, discovery toys, Arbonne, and on and on. As I was thinking about other businesses, Pampered Chef popped into my mind....Ahh.. this was perfect. I love to cook, and I love fun kitchen gadgets and appliances so I researched and really liked what I saw so I signed on up. And ya'll wouldn't believe what came in the mail...ha. I expected some Pampered Chef supplies. It was better than Christmas...a huge boxes LOADED with goodies. Everything from stoneware to a garlic press. HEAVEN : ) So needless to say I'm having fun and have been blessed with good friends helping me get started (thanks guys).
If you are interested in hosting a cooking show or doing a catalog party let me know. I promise it will be fun.