Well we are pregnant again. Actually we are 6 1/2 weeks pregnant, and everything is going great. He/She has a strong heartbeat. We feel so blessed and are soooooo excited Keep us in your prayers.
P.S. Thes pics aren't the best but b/c we don't have a scanner I had to take a pic of the pic
She/he looks like one of my babies. :-)I'm so happy you saw a strong heart. One needs one of those.
from Hannah: I hope she looks like me. All babies are beautiful. I'm happy I'm going to be an aunt.
from Deborah: I'm so glad I'm an aunt and I'm glad it's my neice or nephew. :-)
Rachael would have something sweet to say, but she's at youth group.
congratulations guys!! i hope we see you next week over the holiday!
Steph -
We are so very very proud and very excited about the baby!!!! We love you very much and wish you and John Mark good luck!
Mom,dad,chris,nick,and Adrienne!!
Agghh! He/she is beautiful and looked just like Harbin did when he was 8 weeks!:) We are so excited and are continuing to pray for baby Laney and for you and JM. Baby shopping soon??:) Let me know and I'll join you.
We love you guys!!
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