Well we had a 4-D ultrasound today. It wasn't as good as I hoped it would be because Mr. Roman is comfortable facing backwards. So we had to work hard to get good pics. The good news is because we had such a hard time getting pics we get to go back fo free. That's a good deal. maybe when he's a little bigger we will be able to get bigger pics of him. Anyways, Isn't he cute.
He is handsome already:)
He IS handsome...I think I see a little of JM in that first pic...luv u!-Kelley
aaahhhhh...I cant wait until hes here!!!!
I cannot believe technology. My oh my, what would our ancestors say. This is so incredible. He is so cute and content. I can hardly wait to hold him.
I love his nose and lips..and I LOVE how Roman Carter Laney looks. It just fits! How exciting! We missed you guys yesterday. Hope you had fun in Mena.
Love you!
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