Here is Roman today. Is he not the cutest darn thing ever. Last night was my first night back to work, I worked from 7 at night til 7 in the morning. Much to my answered prayer I had a good night. I missed being with Roman, but in an odd way it made me feel good to know that I was doing this (the shift that I hate) so I could be with Roman during the day. Although much to my surprise it wasn't bad at all. John Mark did great with Roman at night and the stinker didn't even know I was gone. He was awake laying on the bed when I got home. I walked in and leaned over him and he gave me the gummiest open mouth smile. That made it all worth it. I love this kid more than I ever thought I could love. Roman and I took a grand nap and we awoke to a super clean house (Your the best husband John Mark thank you so much for all your support. That clean house was such a blessing to me). Anyways in 15 minutes Arkansas takes on Auburn and we will be here in our house tuned in eating taquito's and pizza.MMMMM. Roman is in his gear. Go Arkansas

the third to the last one reminds me of mr. harbin. he is getting so big and growing up so much. glad work went good. i am hoping i feel that way when i work at night (if i get that job...)
I absolutly love the new pics...he is getting so big..and of course as cute as ever!!! See you soon hopefully!!!
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