Well it's been awhile... and a lot has happened in the short while its been. John Mark and I celebrated our two year anniversary. Dad and Mom came up and watched Roman and John Mark and I went out on the town. It was weird (not having Roman). We only lasted till about 3, but it was fun.
Roman is growing so fast. I can't believe that he is 5 1/2 months. He rolls over and is the grabbiest little dude. He grabs everything...so be careful. He's teething, therefore has been a little crankier---for those who know Roman he's never cranky so by a little crankier its still pretty mild.
We can't believe it is already Christmastime, but of course we our super excited. John mark and I are still like little kids especially John Mark. It's been the most fun getting Roman his Christmas presents. Unfortunately he won't remember his first Christmas, but we will. Good memories.
We hope you all have a great Christmas. Remember most of all the true gift that we were all given--- Jesus Christ. Enjoy family...I know we will. Merry Christmas
Here are some pics from our Christmas today.
Oh I'm so glad you posted pictures and an update. I have missed you all so much. Roman gets cuter and cuter. We've had a busy day too. We just finished opening stockings. Before that we watched The Nativity Story while we had a fondue. Before that was the Candlelight Service at church. So it's been a wonderful evening. I surely hope someday we can share in your Christmas-time celebrations. Till then, keep me posted with pictures and updates. I love you so much. Be blessed this Christmas. Give Romie Boy lots of kissies from Beppie. xoxo
Oh I'm so glad you posted pictures and an update. I have missed you all so much. Roman gets cuter and cuter. We've had a busy day too. We just finished opening stockings. Before that we watched The Nativity Story while we had a fondue. Before that was the Candlelight Service at church. So it's been a wonderful evening. I surely hope someday we can share in your Christmas-time celebrations. Till then, keep me posted with pictures and updates. I love you so much. Be blessed this Christmas. Give Romie Boy lots of kissies from Beppie. xoxo
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