My father in law let me borrow his really nice camera. I had a great time taking pictures of Roman and
Meya. One of these days I tell you I'm going to take a photography class. I love taking me some pictures. I'm really having a hard time blogging lately I feel like I cant articulate anything
thats going on into a blog. Weird I know. I have no words, but I will say I'm having a lot of fun!!! Roman is super busy and very entertaining. He's getting very close to walking. He stands up and moves around furniture. He's super busy. he plays peek-a-boo and patty cake. He loves eyelashes so watch out. It would appear he wants to touch your eye, but really he want to pull your eyelashes. He has several words he says....
dada, dog,
Boppa, and lots of
jibberish. I love hearing him make his sounds. He's very exuberant about it. He lifts up his hands and talks and talks...very loudly. He has two bottom teeth and one on the way on the top. He eats everything...mostly whatever we are eating. He's learned baby food isn't that good. the other day
JM tried to feed him peaches and oatmeal stuff. He kept turning his head and fussing. So I warmed up some leftover from Butch's BBQ and he ate an entire plate of beans and potato salad. Crazy I know. He's still in the 90
th percentile on weight 24 pounds and the 70
th in
length 29 inches . We are really excited about the next few weeks and months. Summer is around the corner which means birthday time, and we leave in less than 2 weeks on our vacation to Florida.............yeah!!!!!!

Look its Midas!!!

what a cutie!
happy mother's day!
love, jen
Oh Stephanie, this little guy is so precious. I love all the tidbits you told. I think I got a good idea about what's he all about right now. I wish with everything in me I could see him right now. Man would I ever hug him tight. xoxo Mom
OOOOHHHH, aren't first owies awful? He looks like he's moved on though. Even with a booboo he's still the cutest. I hope you have a WONDERFUL vacation and that Romie Boy travels really nicely. I love you all. Mom
i'm glad i can catch up on your life on here...:) i just got internet, so i've been out of touch. you guys enjoy your vacation..and sweet pictures. photography would be fun...
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