Friday, March 20, 2009

In His hands

This morning I woke up and immediately began thinking of one of my best friends. She has been going through what I can only describe as a hellish situation. My heart breaks for her because I love her and she is my friend, but also because I am a wife and mom. I realize the struggle and the vulnerability that feel as both of those. I am a dreamer...perfection is what I least my dream idea of perfection. When I feel as though I failed as wife in my attitude or my love it hurts and I feel like a failure. Motherhood is WAY more difficult than I ever expected. i love it more than thought possible, but its a day by day thing. Satan whispers lies in my ear and sometimes I believe them.

So when I woke up this morning with her on my heart in led me to start thinking about me and my Father, heavenly Father. The verse in philippians came to me---He who began a good work in you will carry it to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. We sit in the palm of His hands. We make mistakes, we may really suck some days at our responsibilities as everything that we are. But He loves us with an unconditional love--that is something that we really know nothing about. Everybody wants something, has expectations of us, and when we speak they have something they want to hear. But He doesn't have a bar we have to meet. His love is unconditional, and neverending. He expects us to come to Him as who we are raw,broken, angry, happy, sad, and disppointed and He will give us rest and He promises to carry what he began when he started forming us in our mothers belly to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. So, regardless of where you are, whose left you, the doubts and guilt that Satan whispers throughout your/our day. He isn't finished. God is still there-- real-- and has a plan (a very good plan) for you. You can't control the world or the people around you, but you can put your trust in the one who wrote your whole story. How blessed we are to have that faith. Hopefully that encourages you as it has me.

As a sidenote, but very important please pray for my nephew Harbin. He has struggled with viral infections it seem like a lot lately. He feels bad and runs really high temps. His momma is tired and needs rest and he needs to feel well and up to playing and enjoying this beautiful weather. So please pray for wellness in him and rebuke whatever virus that continues to come back from re-entering his body. Thank you

i will leave you with these pictures ; ) Have a GREAT Friday

we have a small addiction to the web cam : )

I could watch him sleep all night. He loves his blankie


Casey said...

Stephanie that was so encouraging to read. I think God had you write that there for a reason. I really needed to hear it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sweetie. Glad you're up to writing again. This was a good read. I like the part about trusting the One who wrote the story. And the pictures!! Oh I needed those pictures. I have missed this little guy so much. I needed to see him. I've "lifted" the pictures. :-) I love you.

Steph said...

I've been lurking your blog for a few months and am glad to see going again! Love the pictures of your son, he is just adorable!

Anonymous said...

i know i love that he still loves his blankie. sweet beautiful boy. we miss you!! let me know what i can do to help with his birthday party too if you need's coming up!!!

Anonymous said...

i know i love that he still loves his blankie. sweet beautiful boy. we miss you!! let me know what i can do to help with his birthday party too if you need's coming up!!!

Anonymous said...

Steph - I really felt blessed reading your post today and I too have a friend going through some trying times - remember the enemy is a liar.
thank you