Roman Saturday you turned two. For as much party planning as I have done it really came as a surprise. These last two years have be the best ever. you have brought me an abundunt amount of joy and I can't even wonder what life would be like without you. Your dad and I never could have imagined how much we would love you. It's incredible. It's such an honor to be your mother. If I had words to describe to describe the joy you bring to my life i would, but there are no words.

You are an amazing little boy. You are kind and gentle. At your party Saturday night you stroked the small baby's head with such gentle touch. As you touched her you said "baby waaaa". Thats what we tell you that babies say waaaa. You are going to be such a great big brother and I can't wait to see you and Avery's relationship as it grows. I know you are going to love her so much.
You love to play especially with daddy. you guys play basketball in your room and you would happily do it all day if you could. You love watching Madagascar and Open Season--those are your absolute favorite. You love the animals and laugh in all the right places. You love to dance and when you have everyone's attention you will bow. I love it.
You have so much to say these days and although you aren't speaking in sentences you can get the message across. You do know a lot of single words and are starting to instantly repeat what we say. For example daddy was giving you a bath the other night and was putting the bubbles in and he said bubbles and you repeated it just as clearly as he said it. I can't wait until we can just talk through the day. I know you will have a lot to say-- your like me that way ; )
For your birthday you got the coolest airplane track and you love it. You work the remote control like a pro and when the airplane takes off you get so excited and say "weeee". When you get excited you are so animated. It keeps us all laughing.
You love church which makes me so happy you are always ready to go to your class, and your teachers enjoy you so much. When we bring you into our service in the end for the singing you love to dance to the music. You are so helpful at home you are quick to throw stuff in the trash and whatever we are doing you like to help. So if we are dusting you like a rag so you can "dust" too. What a sweetie. You love your alone time too. When you want to be alone you go in your room and shut the door. You will play in there a long time by yourself.
You are precious to me Roman Carter Laney. I speak blessings over you. I pray that you will grow to be the man of God you were created to be. I pray that you come to know the Lord personally at a young age, and that you have wisdom beyond your years as you grow. you have such a kind heart and I pray that you always show kindness and grace to those you come in contact with. I pray as you grow you walk in purity. I pray for health and safety over you.
In about 6 weeks we are going to bring home a new baby and I know that you are going to be an unbelievable big brother and like I already said I can't wait to watch the bond between you and Avery grow. I love you Roman so much. Happy 2nd birthday.
Precious precious. You both are. My favorite part was reading how he laughs at all the right places. How cool is that? Also, the picture of him in the sink in the margin -- what a great memory. That was what he looked like the first time I saw him. I love you both. Happy Birthday Roman.
make me cry...i agree with all those and stand with you as you believe and speak these things. God has amazing things for him. i can't wait until avery gets here. he is going to be such a sweet big brother. we love you!! happy birthday bubba. we love you and know we miss you and wish we were closer, but one day hopefully we will be.
what a sweet post about such a sweet boy! :)
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