Well that is weird to write 2010 and for the next 6 months I will forget to write 2010 on all my check therefore every check i will write will have 2009 crossed out and 2010 written over it...ha ha.
I don't usually think too hard about resolutions probably because when I've made them in the past I hold up for a few days, but then I totally fail at them so I decided to quit making them. This year it occured to me that maybe I should look at the new year as a fresh slate. Not making resolutions that are ridiculous (like losing 30 pounds lol), but thinking more about a few things I want to do better. According to my mom writing them on my blog may keep me more accountable. I really hope so ; )
So, here they are:
First, I want to blog more diligently. I started this blog to document life. I want to be a scrapbooker but I'm just not so I wanted a place to post pictures and write stuff I don't want to forget. unfortunately, it becomes a chore if your not careful. So, this year I'm going to allow my blog to be my outlet. A place i can write about whatevers going on. The good the bad and the ugly. I want to focus on my kids and the day to day craziness of raising them.
Second, I love my friends and family so much, but I'm horrible at keeping up with important days in their lives. Ask anyone who knows me I think birthdays are a BIG deal, but fail to really show people that I'm glad they were born and that I'm thinking of them on their big day. So, this year I'm going to really make an effort to celebrate people on their birthdays.
Third, This one is more my attitude than anything else. I read on someones blog this week, "the days are long, but the years are short." I want to embrace this life. I have pity parties ALL the time, but I really want to remember that everyday with my kids, husband, friends and family are a blessing. As stressful as being a mom can be I know I will look back and wish I had these days back. So this year I'm going to try to remember just that.
Fourth, i'm going to challenge myself to give more. I get so stressed out worrying about getting all done that I don't get anything done. This year i want to really take the time to have coffee with a friend, take Roman out for donuts, date my husband, and get more involved with church. I struggle with having a quiet time. The last thing i want to do is wake up early to have one, and nights are soooo unpredictable, but I'm going to play it day to day, but everyday I'm going to set a goal to have a quiet time to reflect and spend time with God.
And Last, I'm not going to set a number of pounds to lose, but I'm going to be more healthy. Make healthier choices. Drink tons of water, and exercise. My kids watch me and learn from me. I want to be healthy and I want to feel good. I also owe it to my husband to be healthy and fit : )
So there they are the five "resolutions" and they will keep me busy. Don't you think? What are yours?