As I'm sitting here I am listening to Avery "cry it out" in her crib. Let me just say I HATE it. John Mark is strict about it, "let her do it", "Don't pick her up", but if you are a mom you realize why I am ready to scream and pull my hair out. Although I'm the one who suffers when she doesn't sleep and I would really like to see her sleep better it still makes me crazy listening to her scream, but she is settling now. Hopefully this works...and FAST. This is no way to spend your evenings.
Went to Barnes and Noble today with Avery. It was WONDERFUL!!! Does anyone understand when I say I love the smell of that place? Its seriously one of the reasons I love it so much. The smell of books mixed with coffee is delightful. I sat and looked at craft books and sipped a White chocoloate mocha (yummo), and my daughter was angelic (I wasn't sure it would be a success, but she did great!).
Can you tell she adores him? Yep pretty obvious and its very mutual!!
I need more money...shocking I know, but while i was there I saw about 2 million books I needed. I really needed them. I guess thats the good thing about the library, but if I'm honest I would say ,I mine as well buy the books because I always have late fees. I don't know what it is but I CANNOT get books back in 2 weeks. I usually finish reading them in a few days, but for some unknown reason I'm pretty incapable of returning them on time. I'll blame it on being a mother of two, why not? That excuse usually works : )
Shewt she was asleep and now she's crying again....CRAP!!!! What do you do now...continue to let her cry? THIS SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tonight I plan on posting several post. So don't think I'm crazy for posting one after the other.
She's back asleep--maybe the hubs is onto something...hopefully
Anyways, I'm trying a lot of new recipes over the next two weeks. I'm a girl who LOVES to cook, but was really starting to dislike it. I was getting so bored with the same recipes. So I challenged myself to make at least 2 new recipes a far so good. Tonight we had jalapeno lime chicken alfredo. It was delicious. I'm going to post the recipe...try it. Then I made a jalapeno ranch dressing and we ate it with chicken tenders and it was delicious. I forgot to take pics so it just the recipes but I promise they are worth trying (if you like spicy..that is).
I made Roman a "giraffe" blanket. Super easy and its really cute and soft.
Alright I'm going to post some pics and start my recipe post : )
P.S. This is Roman's Smiley face. Isn't it cute? I Love it!!
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