I'm a stresser. I worry and fret about everything, but I have prayed hard about all this that God would bring everything about in perfect timing and I have had a lot of peace about everything. We found a house almost immediately. Its much closer to JM's work, larger which gives us a lot of growing room, and very nice, AND in our price range. We fell in love. So we started praying hard that we could find good lessors, we ended up making an offer before signing a lease, but the next day some super sweet girls looked at our home and definitely wanted to lease it from us. I know these girls and they are AMAZING girls and I'm so excited to have them as renters.
I didn't expect to get emotional over moving but I have. Roman has a mural in his room that Nana painted for him and the girls mentioned painting the room, of course, thats fine with me but I told them they had to do it. I just couldn't and as I was telling them I felt like my throat was swelling and I wanted to cry. This home has the most special memories. We were just newlywed when we built it and didn't have a clue what we were doing : ) We have accomplished and lived so much in this home. We've made babies in this home, I told JM I was pregnant all four sweet times in this living room, most important and special we've brought home both of our sweet babies to this house. This is our home, it feels like home, it smells like home, and it will be weird to make home somewhere else.

That being said I have much more emotion than I thought I would, but I'm so excited about our move. A new home, new design, and fresh start and clean slate. I'm excited to be so much closer to so many friends, most importantly closer to JM work therefore seeing him much more. It's going to be great!!!
That is why we have been so busy a lot has happened in 18 days : ) Our offer on this house was accepted and we will hope to close on or if we are really lucky a few days before April 30th. Please pray everything goes smoothly and there are no kinks.
Here is a picture of our new house aka Ro Ro's bunny rabbit house ( A bunny currently lives in the backyard). Roman today was talking about sleeping in his bunny rabbit house, I just hope that bunny will like Zeus and Midas...I'm thinking not : )