
We have been so incredibly busy around here and I'm ashamed to be so late do my monthly "updates" on the kids. I will share more on our crazy life later, but for now check out Miss Avery at 6 months.
This month has been WONDERFUL!! You have always had a personality and I wouldn't want to make it sound otherwise, but this month you have really become more independent and so happy. When you were a month old we were in Hobby Lobby and all I wanted to do was look at the fabric. You screamed bloody murder the WHOLE time and Roman was frustrated and let me know about it the entire time we were in there. When I got to the register I must have looked so frazzled and I wanted to cry. Honestly I wanted to leave you both there...ha. Not really, but I was so completely overwhelmed I thought I could burst out in tears. Anyways, this sweet lady came over to me and put her hand on my shoulder and said, "Sweetie just get her to 6 month, everything changes at 6 months." Well secretly I have thought about that ALOT over the last few months, and you know what she was right. 6 months is THE month ; )
You are very happy and most of the time very content. In fact its usually just when you are sleepy and hungry that you fuss. You are eating everything. Your favorite food is applesauce and sweet potatoes and I mix them together a lot and you love love love them.
I've been trying to wean you but it has been with no luck...ha. I don't have the heart to let you cry and get really hungry so you'll take a bottle so....we haven't had much luck with that. At first i thought you just didn't like the bottle, but after putting juice in it and seeing you suck it down I concluded you HATE formula. Oh well, we'll get there it just won't happen overnight like I was hoping.
I took you to your 6 month checkup 2 weeks ago and you are 20 pounds and 27 inches long. I think you are going to be tall ; )
Some little facts about you now are--
You have two bottom teeth. They are so cute and I love seeing them when you flash your cheesy grin
You can roll over from your stomach to your back super easily. The last two days you have rolled from your back to your stomach, but you haven't figured it out as well yet. Soon you will be scooting around. I hope you do the worm/army crawl--I love that!!!
You wear mostly 12 month clothes
You wear size 4 diapers
You're simply precious and absolutely gorgeous. You are so fun. You bless our life so much. You daddy and brother adore you. The other day we were in Gabriella's ( a mexican restraunt in our town) and the man next to us was eating and talking to his wife and you kept smiling at him, but he wasn't looking at you so you started making this loud grunting noise (and you never took your eyes off him), when he finally looked at you you smiled really big. Cracked us all up. When he looked away you would start the noise again. It was so funny. Daddy and I always laugh about how detremined you are. You can't be distracted when we take something away you will bend and contort to all kinds of uncomfortable to find it again. You're a girl who knows what she wants, and honestly thats a good way to be, it just might make daddy and I crazy...ha.
This next month of life is going to be crazy, but you will do just fine.
I love you Avery Claire and can't believe in 6 short months you will be ONE. Time flies when your having fun and I'm certainly having fun with you.
Adoring daddy
Helping mommy sew and modeling your new dress!!!
Finally just day to day!!
1 comment:
she's a dandy. very beautiful. she sure reminds me of you when you were that age. i'd love to rock her to sleep tonight. i love your posts about them; love hearing all the little details. helps me not feel so far away. thanks for doing this. you'll treasure the record always, and i sure like it right now. ;-) xoxo
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