Wow! I don't even know where to start. I've missed blogging but once you've been gone awhile its hard to get back into it...know what I mean?
So we moved like 6 months ago...ha. Its kept us busy, but we love it. We are so close to so many of our friends and John Mark is much closer to work which is great for all of us. We see him more and thats great!
Our other surprising news came a few months after we moved in...we are going to have another baby ; ) It took us awhile to get over the shock but we are very excited. Its a girl, Isabella Kate a.k.a Ella Kate and she should make her debut sometime around March 11th. I think she will come a little earlier than that (wishful thinking).

So you can see that our life is still as busy as ever.
It helps me to post this little "catch up" maybe it wont be so long before i update
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