Roman and Daddy(two handsome guys) hanging out at Nana and Bops house. Mommy and Roman having a mini photo shoot at home, and the sweet guy looking cute. Check out Roman's rolls. I love those rolls. He is so precious and such a blessing to my life. He'll be a month old tomorrow-can you believe that? I can't imagine life with out him.
Thank you Father for blessing my life with Roman, thank you for his sweetness, and his calm demeanor. Give John Mark and I wisdom to raise him to know and love you. Please protect him and keep him. I give him to You
you and jm are such great parents. i have enjoyed getting to see you at least every sunday. roman is so sweet and we're looking forward to hanging out more this weekend....
in that first picture he looks smug, like he's thinking, "I could smile really big if I wanted to, but I've chosen not to." He is so cute. Beppie
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