Well we are back from Branson and we had such a good time. Roman did great. He slept a lot probably because it was so darn hot. It was good family time. It was good to spend time with everyone. We haven't seen a lot of Kelley and Darnelle and we enjoyed are time visiting with them. We're super excited about our new niece or nephew. I can't wait to see what "it" is. As you can see in the following pics. Harbin was super cute this weekend. He is getting so big. He is 6 1/2 months older than Roman. They will be good friends. Harbin's cute around Roman. He just stares at him and smiles. I just wonder what he thinks. One thing about Harbin is he smiles non-stop so much that it makes your face hurt. I love that boy. Cambron and Haven, well they are bundles of energy. As you can see in the picture below we entertained ourselved by seeing who fit in the end table cabinet. Haven of course can fit perfectly in there. She's so little.....and so darn cute even when she's being a stinker.
Funny things Haven said this weekend:
"Mom, I just found a grand daddy
strong legs."
Also, I was nursing Roman on my bed and Haven came in and sat right beside me . She stared for a minute, and so I started to explain to her that this is how Roman eats. I was trying to explain it so she would understand. She interrupted and said, very matter of fact like " It's ok Stephanie my mom fed my baby with her boobies too." I just laughed. What a funny kid.
Well here are some pictures of our cool family. Aunt Britt is here in Northwest Arkansas and we are really enjoying having her around. isn't this pic cute of her. She's beautiful. When you think about it say a prayer for her she is doing her last bit of school student teaching in Rogers. It's hard being in a new place with all; new people. so keep her in your prayers.
Well i should help JM with dinner.....have a good day
man, the one with harbin and dad looks so much like micah.....more so than any other ones thus far.:)
uh oh. maybe Roman's little pointy chin isn't a Rose feature after all. I remember all you girls so well having it, (plus Christopher) but it looks like Roman got it from both sides of the family. How cute is that? All the kids are really cute and so is the grandpa. :)
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