Saturday, July 28, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Bath time

Again sorry for the lag. This week has been crazy. Not having John Mark home has been very hard. Roman and I are struggling with getting down a routine, the house is dirty. Ahhhhh.... Oh well. Roman is doing really good. He is still eating like crazy and growing a ton. I sure am crazy about him. Here are some pics from this week. He loves baths...as long as he's wrapped ina very warm towel. Here he is lookin all cute
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Roman---Day 10

My sweet baby gets sweeter by the minute. Here are some pictures from today. We are just hanging out at the house. He's really is the sweetest thing you ever met. Right now he's waking up from a nap in his bed and he's laying there grunting. Precious. Isn't he getting big? I sorta wish we were going to the Dr. this week to see how much he weighs. I bet he's close to eight pounds. We went to Mena Thursday and grandma made a wonderful dinner and the family all got to see Roman. He did so good at dinner, but my kiddo is already a slave to routine, and the night was very rough. Did I mention up until we went to Mena he was sleeping through the night, with the exception of when I woke him up to feed him. Anyways, getting out of our routine and all the stimulation of the night and being passed around so much made him very fussy and irritable. I felt so bad for him. So we headed back early Friday. We were all three glad to be home. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the pictures of the little guy.
Happy Birthday Racheal---I love you and miss you. I can't believe how grown up you are. I hope you have a blessed year. I love you very much--Steph
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Sweet baby Roman

Sorry for the lag in updates --my camera ran out of battery and we've been so busy. The days go by so fast. Roman is doing so well. Everyone who comes to see him goes on and on about how sweet ad content he is. He's demeanor is so much like my brother, Chris, which is exactly what I prayed for He lets us take pictures, and play with him and never even fusses. What a little sweetie. I'm crazy about him!!! Jaclyn and Nancy got a hold of him and took pictures. He peed on everything both times, but we got some cute picture. ENJOY
I love all of them, but the isn't his sweet naked body precious?
Oh and another side note when we went to the doctor--Of course Roman is perfect. He weighed 6 lbs 12 oz when he was born and on Monday 7 lbs 6 oz. Yeah....
Monday, July 16, 2007
Roman Updates

Roman was great through his first church service he just slept right through with not even a wimper. He is so sweet. I don't know if I've mentioned this before but he loves his hands. He always is playing with his hands or they are in his mouth. Yesterday I was nursing and we were struggling a bit to get it coordinated so instead of waiting on me to get situated he stuck his thumb in his mouth and went to town. It was so sweet. Here are some pics from our first Sunday and a few throughout the day. We are leaving for our Dr. Appt so I will post his weight when I get back --most babies lose weight the first week, but its hard to imagine that he has lost weigh we'll see.......
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Friday, July 13, 2007
The sweetest baby ever

Well are first night at home was great. He is eating so well which I was worried about, but he has it figured out. Here are a few new pics of the little guy. I have to say he has the sweetest demeanor of any baby I have ever seen. He never cries, loves to be held, and when he's hungry he makes a loud sucking noise. I love it. We'll keep updating pictures here.
Thursday, July 12, 2007

He finally arrived Tuesday morning at 8:09. He weighed 6 lbs 12 oz and is 20 inches long. It was amazing. I was in labor what seemed like forever, but the epidural was wonderful and I was able to savor and enjoy all of it. He has the sweetest demeanor. So far the only times he's cried is when he's hungry, and diaper changes. We love us some Roman. I'm so amazed at how much I love him. Women always say that and I always thought that I understood what they mean, but it wasn't until Tuesday that I could ever comprehend how amazing it is to bring life into this world and to be given such an opportunity. We are so excited. Here are a few pics of our little sweetie.
these pics were on our camera the best are what other people were able to take so keep looking and of course we will update!!!
Friday, July 06, 2007
Good News from Dr. Smith
Well I went to the doctor and I'm still the same so if Roman hasn't come by Thursday (my original due date) then she is going to induce me on Friday. Yeah......its so nice just to have a date -a for sure date. So the next week we will be busy getting everything ready. Please pray everything goes well.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Crazy Last 24 Hours

Well I had high hopes that Roman was going to debut last night or today, but no luck. I was up all night with contractions that were 7 minutes apart and today were 5 minutes apart, but after going to the Dr. we learned there was no change. Just the beginnings of labor which could last days, she actually said weeks, but I rebuke that. Please pray with us that he will come soon. I'm so ready. I know all pregnant women are at this point, but really please pray with us. Here are a few pics of his room. Brenda (Nanna) finished the tree. Isn't it great. I absolutely love it.
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