He finally arrived Tuesday morning at 8:09. He weighed 6 lbs 12 oz and is 20 inches long. It was amazing. I was in labor what seemed like forever, but the epidural was wonderful and I was able to savor and enjoy all of it. He has the sweetest demeanor. So far the only times he's cried is when he's hungry, and diaper changes. We love us some Roman. I'm so amazed at how much I love him. Women always say that and I always thought that I understood what they mean, but it wasn't until Tuesday that I could ever comprehend how amazing it is to bring life into this world and to be given such an opportunity. We are so excited. Here are a few pics of our little sweetie.
these pics were on our camera the best are what other people were able to take so keep looking and of course we will update!!!
we love you guys and are so proud of you! we love us some roman too! i already miss him! he's beautiful and i can't wait to hang out with you guys...hope you are feeling okay...sorry i couldn't stay as long as i would've liked....haven was getting restless.:)
i'm so thankful he's here!!
he is so precious! i want to go back. hopefully we'll get a good update and more pics when mom & dad go this weekend. congrats again! i hope you are feeling better, too. try to get as much sleep as possible. :)
love you, jen
ps- dan & sophie think he is adorable, too!
Congrats! Congrats! Congrats!
you're right, he's so very cute. i think i see JM in the little guy. i know how you feel -- totally changed eh? I'm so proud of you and happy for you. I can't wait to love on Romie Boy. Love, Mom
How simply precious - congrats to the Laney family - I too can see JM in these pics of Roman - glad all is well - rest while you can
I keep staring at these pictures. I think he looks like JM, but there is still something that reminds me of Jonathan, especially in that 3rd one. Has anyone else mentioned that? Love, Mom
sorry about this, but actually it's the 7th picture that reminds me of Jonathan.
So cute! he has some good hair on his head, love it. can't wait to see him in person. i see JM and now that you mention it i do see johnathan a little. hope all is well and enjoy every minute of it. it goes by so fast.
love cousin
congrats to you guys...you are going to love this new job! :) He's adorable...glad you are all well.
--jess n.
I am sooooo proud of you Steph! He is perfectly gorgeous! Coming home to work was so hard but I showed his picture to everyone whether or not they wanted to see him. :) Can't wait to see u guys again!
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