Roman was great through his first church service he just slept right through with not even a wimper. He is so sweet. I don't know if I've mentioned this before but he loves his hands. He always is playing with his hands or they are in his mouth. Yesterday I was nursing and we were struggling a bit to get it coordinated so instead of waiting on me to get situated he stuck his thumb in his mouth and went to town. It was so sweet. Here are some pics from our first Sunday and a few throughout the day. We are leaving for our Dr. Appt so I will post his weight when I get back --most babies lose weight the first week, but its hard to imagine that he has lost weigh we'll see.......
I'm glad you're posting lots of pictures. I don't feel so "out of the loop" seeing him everyday in picture. But wish muchly that I could see him in the flesh and listen to him chew on his hands. He is a doll. And you and JM look great too. I phoned both numbers this am, maybe you were already at the doctor. Give me a call when you get home. I'll call you right back. I love you. Mom
Steph and John Mark,
Your baby is so precious.....I can hardly bear the sweetness. It's so sweet to know he is in such loving hands.
Aunt Stacie
Over supper we discussed Beppie and Gecko. Gordon didn't much like Gecko :-), but we think Pakie is cute. So how's that? Beppie and Pakie. Thank JM for the heads-up. I loved hearing the little senor fussing just a tad. It was music to my ears, eventho it was way too short-lived.
oh stephanie, what a gorgeous family you have. i'm so happy for you and know you are just going to shine as a mama.
i'm in arkansas until sunday . i would love to come visit and smoosh that little guys cheeks if i get the chance. if i can find a good day for a trip, (and if you can stand any more visitors!) i'll email you or something.
love you guys,
i can't remember if i told you, but monica and eliud will be bringing you guys dinner on thursday. the only days so far that you don't have dinner is tomorrow night and friday night.....there are several that want to bring a meal next week though...
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