My sweet baby gets sweeter by the minute. Here are some pictures from today. We are just hanging out at the house. He's really is the sweetest thing you ever met. Right now he's waking up from a nap in his bed and he's laying there grunting. Precious. Isn't he getting big? I sorta wish we were going to the Dr. this week to see how much he weighs. I bet he's close to eight pounds. We went to Mena Thursday and grandma made a wonderful dinner and the family all got to see Roman. He did so good at dinner, but my kiddo is already a slave to routine, and the night was very rough. Did I mention up until we went to Mena he was sleeping through the night, with the exception of when I woke him up to feed him. Anyways, getting out of our routine and all the stimulation of the night and being passed around so much made him very fussy and irritable. I felt so bad for him. So we headed back early Friday. We were all three glad to be home. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the pictures of the little guy.
Happy Birthday Racheal---I love you and miss you. I can't believe how grown up you are. I hope you have a blessed year. I love you very much--Steph
Oh he is sooo adorable. Tell Romie Boy that Beppie has a new striped tank top sort of like his sleeper. Great minds think alike. :-) I love you and loved our chat too.
he looks thoughtful and contemplative. forgot to say that with my other comment. Mom
I'm impressed you are so put together...you look great!! He's a doll too!!
i love his litte hands and his double chin (in the first picture). He's so adorable. Beppie
I'm so glad that he is getting that double chin! Chubby baby here we come... no that he wasn't completely perfect at 6 lbs. :) I haven't forgotten to send u those pics by the way things have been INSANE! I'll send them asap. Love you tons! Jac
I miss you guys. I am so ready to be in Northwest Arkanasas around you more often.
i'm going to miss getting a "fix" from Romie Boy's pictures. beppie
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