Sunday, September 24, 2006

For the next 9 months when I blog I'm going to put a picture of where the baby is developmentally on my blog. We aren't for sure, but I think I'm just pregnant and I estimate that I'm almost or right about 4 weeks so this was the best picture i could find. John Mark wanted me to be sure everyone knows this isn't our baby---so if anyone was in doubt this isn't my baby just a picture haha.

We're Pregnant

Yeah!!! This has been a crazy last few I'm just now getting back to my blog, but I come with fun fun news. WE'RE GOING TO HAVE A BABY. I thought I may be pregnant last Monday, but I didn't want to get my hopes up too high, but by Friday I was positive I was. We took a pregnancy test Friday and it was positive, then a second one Friday night and it was positive, and then Saturday morning another one it was positive. So we're pretty positive. It's funny how you can't believe the first or the second, and I'm still fighting the urge to take another one because it is so hard to believe. We are so excited ----we actually can't believe it. We hope the next 9 months fly by. Keep us and out baby in your prayers. Yeahhhh!!!!